Beginning the hike up to the climb! 

Beginning the hike up to the climb! 

Tightening up the other side. Getting my descending belaying face on. 

Tightening up the other side. Getting my descending belaying face on. 

Always wear a helmet when climbing or belaying! 

Always wear a helmet when climbing or belaying! 

What an amazing climb!! One of the most challenging climbs I've ever experienced! Pure magic! 

What an amazing climb!! One of the most challenging climbs I've ever experienced! Pure magic! 

Climbing is spiritual. When I am climbing face to face with the rock, it is just us. I study it, where to put my feet, my hands, how to manover my body, pressing, leaning, hanging, feeling the rock's texture and grip on my fingers. Just the rock and I. In these quiet moments. The birds fly. Pieces of my hair fall across my face as the gentle wind blows.  It's a test of my physical strength. I push so hard I shake.  I attempt 4x before I fall into my harness and look down at my partner who's got my life in his hands. I push off with my feet and grab the crack, shoving my hand to get a good grip. I smudge myself up, having to put my full weight on my leg to stand up. How am I so heavy?! Every inch counts so I hear my partner yell stand up and extend your legs completely. Great! I've overcome the crux now it's ninja time! 

View from the top!!

View from the top!!

Climbed that! 

Climbed that! 
