The Improvisation Communication Network

Workshops developed by Andriana Santiago that focus on how improv comedy relate to life, communication and empowerment.


  • Andriana develops fun, life empowering workshops rooted in Laughter Wellness and Compassionate Communication

  • We offer an exciting range of workshops designed to enhance play, personal growth and foster a sense of well-being. Our workshop lineup includes a diverse array of options, such as Improv Comedy, Laughter Yoga, and Compassionate Communication.

  • Each workshop is thoughtfully tailored to suit your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the maximum benefit and enjoyment from learning how to create more connection with colleagues, family members, friends and even yourself.

  • Whether you're looking to sharpen your comedic skills, embrace the healing power of laughter, or improve your communication abilities, our workshops provide a platform for learning, growth, and self-expression.

  • Join us on this transformative and enriching journey as we guide you through these engaging experiences, empowering you to thrive in all aspects of life.

  • Discover the magic of improvisation, the joy of laughter, and the power of compassionate communication - all within the warm and nurturing environment of our workshops. Invest in yourself today and unlock your true potential!

  • Workshops are offered in person, online or as a series. Contact us now to discuss!

Spectrum Improv

At our workshops designed for individuals with autism, Andriana's classes offer a supportive and engaging environment where laughter, creativity, and communication come together to empower each participant. We integrate laughter yoga, improv comedy, and compassionate communication techniques to foster personal growth and connection.

Through interactive games, scenes, and discussions, participants explore the joy of improvisation while developing essential communication skills and building confidence. Positive linguistics and encouragement are at the heart of our approach, creating a space where everyone feels valued and supported.

Our workshops emphasize word association games and scene work to enhance focus and conversation abilities, providing valuable tools for navigating social interactions and expressing oneself authentically. Each session is tailored to meet the unique needs and strengths of individuals on the autism spectrum, fostering creativity, self-expression, and meaningful connections.

Join us on this transformative journey of laughter, learning, and communication!


We create a safe space of positivity to feel fully expressed with no inhibitions. Through various games and scenes we break down walls and barriers and judgments we’ve set for ourselves and instead become more playful, adaptive and resilient as we embrace life’s truths, absurdities, and realities through a new set of eyes. We empower one another and build deep connections as we create imaginary worlds and live in them together. We practice being present in the moment, listening carefully, and contributing freely. We use positive linguistics like, “yes and…” to accept whatever our scene partners do or say as part of the reality of the scene and then add on it with our own contributions. We take these tools discovered out into our lives, and apply them we create strong genuine relationships. It is playful and frees the spirit. Improvisation goes beyond the stage or the studio – it is a life philosophy.



This Workshop creates an environment for couples to explore creativity, imagination and freedom. When we approach our relationships with an improvisational mindset, we leave space for magical things to happen in the here and now. We take a break from being grounded in reality to discover new things about one another with no inhibitions. By creating characters that live in imaginary worlds together we explore endless possibilities that stimulate a newfound curiosity in one another. Improv teaches us to be adaptive, responsive and flexible and to not be controlled by our expectations, fantasies and fears. Like life, improv has no script. It goes moment by moment and those moments happen fast. With various games, exercises and scenes we practice active listening, positive linguistics and agreeability. We stay present, increasing our capacity to respond genuinely instead of focusing on what we want to say next. By doing this we open ourselves up to loving abundantly and unconditionally and embrace the extraordinary and the unexpected.



Andriana’s Workshops for the FAMILY creates entertaining and interactive new ways for families to connect and play. See yourself and each other in a new light, and be more present to enjoy your time as a family. Parents and kids use the many wonderful benefits of improv to create stronger bonds and have fun. We play group games and exercises that inspire active listening, responding and acknowledgment. For example, when we ‘YES and’, to one another we feel heard and listened to. This is affirming. We are able to expand on new ideas and feel fully expressed around those we love most. Instead of highlighting mistakes or negating with ‘NO but’ we encourage families to look for the positives and build on successes. This is teamwork. Brick by brick, line by line we create imaginary worlds. We surprise ourselves as we explore characters that interact with one another, and build stories together with group collaboration. Kids agree with their parents (it’s a rule!) and everyone laughs, without the pressure of a performance. Besides, it’s NOT about being funny! Actually, originally improv was taught as theater games to kids in community centers as a way to improve communication and confidence. Nowadays, Busy schedules and constant attention to technology leave us wondering how to engage with our kids in “play”, or how to create more laughter and joy throughout everyday life. Improv is the answer. And improv time can happen anytime. At home, in the car or just schedule it in as family time! See more humor in daily life with a new perspective. Dare to be silly!


kids-classroom-community centers

Improv fosters literacy skill development, creative problem solving, analysis, and interpretation. They are the authors, actors, and audience. Students learn about the value of patience and listening without interrupting. This demonstrates respect for the group and what is being created over what any individual wants to say. We discuss the power in positive speech and how it relates to life by introducing the improv fundamental practice of agreeability and “Yes anding…”. This way of thinking presents multi points of view, encourages active listening and responding with complete sentences. For students who are nervous or shy, playing improv games can be a great way to create confidence. For those students who already have confidence, but need to work on volume and clarity improv provides a practice for them. We relate our teachings to the real world, therefore making a huge difference in the child’s life, which can inspire choices and behaviors for an entire lifetime to come.


WORKPLACE-Team building

Our workshops for the WORKPLACE use techniques of improvisation to develop strong communication skills, creative problem solving, effective collaboration, and supportive team-work abilities. In business, we don’t always agree with our co-workers or clients, but we may be able to turn that negative into a positive, if we can start first with ‘yes, and’ instead of the default setting of ‘no, but,’. In that respect, “yes, and” can be the antidote to workplace negativity. “YES, Let’s follow that idea for a moment, to see where it goes.” Through various fun exercises we explore building new ideas & offer suggestions by staying present in active listening, instead of thinking about what to say next. We focus on the power of positive linguistics, to create acknowledgment, confidence and co-worker empowerment. In a safe environment individuals are free to face fears such as public speaking & social anxiety, leaving room for them to grow, self-express and reach their fullest potential. Improv isn’t cleverness training or joke training. It’s really about the infrastructure of communicating, reducing barriers and increasing acceptance and connection.



EMCL singing workshop is energizing and exhilarating! We create songs in the moment where we truly focus the mind on the present and have fun. Learn the building blocks of song structure and melody to create spontaneous musicals without any pre-planned content. We warm up with vocal exercises, rhyming games, create songs from a familiar tune, choose silly voices, explore characters, go from scenes to songs and more. Express yourself to the max! We sing acapella, with a piano player, and with pre made tracks. Be inspired to make BIG choices as we experiment with duets, solos, group songs, various music genres, styles, tempos, and opening numbers. Build stories and expand your creative mind. The sky’s the limit. No matter if you’re a classically trained singer, or can’t hold a note, if you can talk, you can sing!

Senior care facilities

Sharing the gift of laughter with the oldest kids on the block, our fellow seniors, bring such joy to their lives! Laughter is the best medicine. Healing properties of laughter include a boost of the immune system, decreased blood pressure, reduced muscular tension, improved breathing and stimulated digesting. Laughter dispels loneliness and alienation. Sessions are a combination of laughter exercises that include some movements and vocal expression. Can be done sitting, standing, at tables, in a circle or even laying on the ground!


  • Listen: To the person who is talking. Don’t be in your head about what you should say next, because then you’re going to miss something really important.

  • Agree, and add something: contribute. Lay on another brick to the foundation you’re all building together. Everyone is part of the moment, and everyone contributes in a positive manner.

  • No judgment: anything goes, anything can happen. The crazier it is, the more you push forward. Life is crazy, and when you place judgment on yourself or others, you build walls. Break them down and be in awe of what can happen.

  • The moment: Know that it’s there... and then it’s gone: this moment has never happened before, and it’ll never happen again — and so the moment is truly unique and special.

  • Simplify & seek truth: at the end, it’s all about the relationship you’ve built with your (scene) partner. Human connection is the foundation of it all.

  • Adopt the improv mindset and experience its rewards, as it shines through relationshipscareer and your daily life.

  • Be present: knowing that the moment is singular, it forces you to quiet everything else in your mind and be present. Vigilant. Focused. There’s no time to analyze or over-analyze. There’s just time to be.

  • Support each other: there’s no individual; it is about the group. When the group succeeds, you succeed. Take away the ego, and together build something awesome.

  • Be yourself: somehow, in this space, it’s the safest place to be. No judgment and all support. All you have to do is bring yourself — not scripted characters nor rehearsed lines. 

  • Follow the fear: it seems like the simplest thing in the world, but the scariest and most difficult at all once. You just have to gulp and jump right in. Just as in life, where there is resistance there is the possibility to be your greatest self. Build confidence to make choices and stick with them.

  • Improvisation cultivates the growth mindset. Improvisation lets you turn each move in a robust move. Improvisation takes you to new adventures.

From Andriana….

Andriana started the EMCL Collective org with the noble vision of empowering young refugee women to thrive by providing them with educational opportunities, mentoring support, and fostering healthy communication and overall well-being. She is passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of these young individuals, by supporting them through education, and ensuring they receive all the necessary tools to build a brighter future. Additionally, we firmly believe in the healing power of laughter and strive to integrate it into our programs, as it has proven to enhance emotional well-being and create a positive environment for learning and growth. By fostering a sense of community, resilience, and empowerment, the EMCL Collective aims to create a strong support system for student refugees, enabling them to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

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